Why Grofit?
1 Grofit = 2 feeding systems
Suitable for pallets, meal and CCM
Accurate adjustment
The Grofit-multifeeder dispenses pellets, meal and CCM to your pigs without bridge forming.
The shape of the supply hopper makes bridge forming practically impossible.
The Grofit offers a feed capacity of no less than 165 to 208 litres.
Each individual system has two, separate dosing systems, so that one Grofit can supply two pens with feed separately.
The feed dose can be accurately adjusted on each side using levers.
Four, high quality, stainless steel drink nipples with adjustable flow rates provide the pigs with fresh drinking water.
Each Grofit can be fitted with a closable lid with a hinged inspection hatch.
The Grofit is equipped with two stainless steel mounting brackets for stable, solid attachment.
Why all-round feeder?
No accustomisation phase
Open through contruction
Strong, vigorous piglets
Rearing your weaned piglets properly is essential for strong, vigorous piglets and the end results.
In addition to aspects such as housing, climate etc. ensuring that piglets immediately have a good intake of fresh feed and water after weaning is essential to prevent the so-called ‘weaning dip’.
Groba developed the All-round feeder to combine all the optimal aspects for feeding. As feed is always available, the piglets do not have to get accustomed to the feed. Eating as a group also stimulates the feed intake, reduces stress and gives a better feed conversion rate.
The All-round feeder is a dry feeder.
Why Groba-Sow doser?
Better feed intake
A calming environment in the farrowing house
Fresh feed at all times
Keeps the sows in good condition
Sow doser – feed doser for sows. It is important to maintain sows in good condition during the lactation period. How feed is dispensed plays a major role: not just for the sows, but also for the piglets. With the Groba Sow Doser you know you are feeding your animals optimally.
Feed doser for sows
The sow doser comprises a seamless supply hopper made from specially produced plastic that fits onto virtually all types of farrowing pen. The sow doser is easy to clean and available in various models. The feed doser can be mounted inside and outside the farrowing pen. Various widths are available for mounting outside the farrowing pen. The stainless steel feed doser features highly accurate, eight-position adjustment. The sows have access to small rations of fresh feed all day long. This ensures a better feed intake and there is less acidic and wasted feed. This calms the sows – and you will notice the improvement as soon as you enter the farrowing section.
Why Grofast?
Competitive price
Good growth results
A reliable and proven product
As former pig farmers, we know precisely what aspects are important in an optimal feeding system. We have succeeded in uniting the positive aspects of different systems into a single solution. This success is demonstrated by the countless pig farmers worldwide who use Grofast.
Grofast for piglets and finishers
Grofast is available in two models: a feeder for weaned piglets and a feeder for finishers. The feeder is made of high quality synthetic material and stainless steel. These materials guarantee a long service life. The round shape of Grofast ensures good hygiene and efficient use. The pigs have a better feed intake and waste less feed. Improved feed conversion rates lead to considerable cost savings.
Why Sow Feeder?
Bite edge
Easy acces, round through
Feed without spillage
It is important with pregnant sows to properly coordinate the feed and feed supplies. The sow feeder supplies fresh feed to sows housed in groups. Easy to access and optimal dose rate. Relatively low investment costs
Feeder for sows
The feeder is suitable to feed a maximum of ten sows. The system can be used in new-build and renovation projects. Sows, but also goats, can easily access feed without spillage thanks to the round design. This prevents waste. Hygienic dosing system for pellets, meal and CCM. Thanks to the simple dosing mechanism, that can be set to 15 different positions, the sows always have access to optimally fresh feed. The sow feeder is available with or without a water supply feature.